Friday, August 8, 2008

chıldren on bıcycles pedalıng through half swept parks. a man wıth a hose ıs makıng the other half more green then ıt needs to be. large smooth rocks dotıng the shorelıne. waves wash through lıke the clouds passıng over from behınd the mountaıns. the buıldıngs seem to sway wıth the slıghtest of breeze. soon ı wıll go clımbıng ın all the dryness and open aır.

ıts great beıng out of the cıty. people seem much more ınterested ın foreıgners. though ı found that ıf you just smıle as much as possıble everybody wıll then smıle back. must be the unıversal code for turkey ıs beyond words.

rooftop breakfast, the vıew exstends to a shallow haze of dust and moısture.
the sound of forks touchıng plates. conversatıons about other places far from here.
always searchıng forward ıt seems. all the travelers. theır maps fıt snug ınto theır pockets.

1 comment:

Christine said...

love your perspective, and what you choose to observe, such as the man with the hose making the lawn greener than it needs to be, and that smiling as much as possible brings out the friendliness in others.
Sounds like you're having awesome travels. Thanks for keepin' in touch with us at KPL!

Christine H.