Friday, September 26, 2008

twenty six blue buttons
scattered on the street corner
a five minute walk from here

the feeling that you get
when surrounded by several
strangers in a very small room

making time in the afternoon
watching shadows drift
slowly along the rooftops

each one a phrase pinned
to the bottom side
something like "lacking of a better word"

or "time to take time to take time"
the sound of a mosquito drifting
through the air

still this way lying in the open
sitting graceful as the stem
and the brittle corners of a recently fallen leaf

apprehensively arranged
the colors turn slowly to
the colors of the pavement

broken, dreary, plastic at times
waiting for the sunlight
sending shadows from bare limbs

memories like a paper envelope
or the dog eared corners
of an old phone book

discarded box's litter the
sides of rusty handled trash bins
and always the sound of rain

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